
A.S. 计算机科学


The fastest-growing occupations are predicted to be in the computing field, with increased demands for computer systems engineers and computer programmers. The Associate of 科学 计算机科学 degree is a pathway for students to enter these exciting fields and contribute to technological advancement and innovation. Instruction in computer science courses is project-based and highly interactive to encourage student exploration.

了解更多关于A的信息.S. 计算机科学学士学位

  • Why choose a Computer 科学 program at Landmark College?

    The Associate in 科学 for Computer 科学 incorporates elements from the computer science discipline. 课程包括数学。, 编程, 软件设计, and computer architecture as applied to existing and emerging computer system technologies. These courses build on the core liberal arts foundation of Landmark College.

    A key feature of the curriculum is its emphasis on project-oriented experiences.

    在整个项目中, students will determine the areas of the software and/or hardware that is a best fit with their strengths, 利益, 和目标. The program is designed to help students who learn differently gain access to a wide range of technical four-year degree programs.

  • A区的学生.S. 计算机科学 degree program have many discipline-related opportunities to participate in activities outside of the classroom. 这些包括:

    • 计算机科学俱乐部: This club meets regularly to work on software and hardware projects, 主机扬声器, 参加编程活动.
    • 电脑游戏室: Landmark College has dedicated space for students to have gaming competitions and participate in multi-player games.
    • Landmark Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program (http://ptj.joyerianicaragua.com/Academics/leap)
    • Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT): Students assist LCIRT staff with software needs for re搜索 projects.
  • Hands-on learning approaches lead to many credit-bearing internship opportunities.
    Recent Computer 科学 internships include:

    • 网络基础设施实习生
    • 数据分析实习生

    The college has partnerships with the following organizations that offer neurodiverse friendly supportive workforce and internship programs:

    • 广泛的期货
    • Dynamy
    • 残疾
    • 神经元多样化途径
    • 孩之宝


    • 斯坦利黑 & 德克尔
    • C&年代批发
    • 摩根大通
    • EY
    • 戴尔
    • 色技术
  • The Associate of 科学 计算机科学 degree prepares students to enter further study in several fields, 包括:

    • 计算机科学
    • 网络安全
    • 游戏设计或游戏开发
    • 软件设计
    • 移动应用开发
    • 交互式计算技术
    • 信息学与计算机
    • 地理信息系统
    • 数据分析和处理
    • 人工智能
    • 机器人


    Follow this path into the Landmark College B.S. 计算机科学 degree and learn how to:


    • Analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution
    • 设计, 实现, 评估一个基于计算机的系统, 过程, 组件, 或程序,以满足所需的需求
    • Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal and communicate effectively with a range of audiences
    • Understand relevant professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities
  • To earn the Associate of 科学 计算机科学 degree, students must complete 61 credits:

    • 主修必修课程21学分
      • 18个专业必修学分
      • 3 major required credits that also count toward general education
    • 28 additional credits to complete the general education requirements
    • 开放选修课12学分

    A.S. Computer 科学 Major Requirements: 21 credits

    CSC1635 Computer 科学 I (Gen Ed): 3 credits
    CSC2635计算机科学II: 3学分
    CSC2638 Data Structures and Algorithms: 3 credits
    CSC2751 Networking and Security: 3 credits
    MAT2731 Introduction to Calculus: 3 credits*

    Additional General Education Core Requirements: 28 credits

    WRT1011 Composition and Rhetoric: 3 credits
    EDU1011 Perspectives in Learning: 3 credits
    COM1011介绍. 至传播学:3学分
    Interpersonal Communication/Creative Expression: 3 credits
    *Mathematics Distribution Elective (as indicated through placement exam): 3 credits
    Can be met by MAT2731 Introduction to Calculus if student places into that course.


  • Upon completing the Associate of 科学 计算机科学 degree, graduates will be able to:

    • Analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution
    • Use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice
    • Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal
    • Understand relevant professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities
    • Recognize the need for and demonstrate an ability to engage in continuing professional development